Starting at 5:45 this morning, two friends and I ran the Boulder Skyline Traverse. This run is also called the "Five Peaks Run" because it takes you to the top of five of the mountains just to the west of Boulder (South Boulder Peak, 8,456 ft elev., Bear Peak, ft 8,543 elev., Green Mtn., 8,149 ft. elev., Flagstaff Mtn., 7,030 ft. elev. and Mt. Sanitas 6,035 ft. elev.) Two of these peaks, are shown in the photo attached. The map below shows four of the five peaks. Although the total distance is probably only between 16 and 17 miles, the vertical gain of 6,300 feet is the real source of challenge. Indeed, by the fifth, and steepest climb, to the top of Mount Sanitas, I was only "running" for a tiny fraction of the the climb. Just getting to the top was my only goal and I was working hard to keep up with hikers on the trail. By 11:00 AM we were finished with the run and soaked our legs in ice-cold Boulder creek. What a great way to spend the morning! This is my longest run of the summer, so far, so it was really satisfying to finish. When I got home I ate six eggs, four pieces of toast and a tomato and fell asleep reading a fascinating book. Is there anything better than napping with a great book on your chest after a morning of exercize?